Tuesday, May 29, 2012

10 Ways to Optimize Your Use of Twitter

10 Ways to Optimize Your Use of Twitter
By Suzanne Fyhrie Parrott (c) 2012

It's easy and free to create a Twitter Account but how to take
advantage of this amazing tool still eludes many.

Twitter Cheat Sheet for Authors

Basic Terminology:

TWEET - Any message 140 characters long sent out to everyone.
Unless you send a direct message (DM), everything on Twitter is
viewable to the public.

DM - Direct Message. These messages are private and only between
people who DM each other.

RT - Retweet. Twitter has created a re-tweeting tool that makes
it easier, but the standard convention is to put a RT, cite the
source of the message, and then retweet.
Example, if I wrote: "I write, but not always right." You would
RT @unrulyguides "I write, but not always right."
The goal is to encourage others to retweet your message thus
expanding your reach.

# - Hashtag. These are used in front of a word or set of letters
to allow easy communication on a specific topic. For example, if
you tweet about dogs with other canine lovers, you could use the
hashtag #dogtalk. This becomes a clickable link in your message
and when clicked will display all the tweets using that hashtag.

#FF - Follow Friday. It's a nice way to show support of other
tweeters. On Friday.

10 Tips to Optimize Your Use of Twitter:

1. Use Your Real Name, If Possible
Make it easy for people who know you to find you on Twitter.

2. Add a Profile Picture
This should be a picture of you. People connect better with
other people, not cartoons, book covers, logos, etc.

3. Link to Your Website
Hopefully you have a blog or website you can link to. If you
don't, create one now.

4. Write Your Bio
Make it memorable. Make it relevant to who you are. You don't
have to be funny or cute, but if you can, and still be relevant,
then do it.

5. Tweet Regularly
This is the biggest obstacle for authors. But it is key to
promotion. It doesn't matter if you only have two followers and
one is your mom, you still need to tweet daily, to be effective.

If you don't have something to write, then RT something funny
or useful. Another way is to connect your blog to your twitter
account, then every "post" you write is automatically "tweeted"
on Twitter.

6. Tweet Relevant Information
Don't tweet every moment of your life, such as "I am eating a
hamburger" or "I should have ate a salad." These tweets are not
interesting or relevant. However, if you were eating a hamburger
with Johnny Depp sitting at the next table, then by all means,
tweet. "I just ate the best hamburger sitting next to Johnny
Depp. Now I am ready to write my romance novel."

7. Link and Don't Link
It's good to link to other places and share your discoveries;
however, if all you do is link, people may think you are just
trying to sell to them and won't give much regard to your posts.

8. Have a Personality
This is easy. Be yourself. You don't have to be overly, funny
or smart. Twitter is all about connecting with people - so be
a person.

9. Follow Those Worth Following
Some people are all into the quantity. But I recommend looking
for quality. Just because you are being followed by someone you
do not have to return the follow. Only follow people that are
relevant and beneficial to you or your audience.

10. Communicate with Others
Twitter is all about communication. If people talk to you or RT
your message, then talk back and/or thank them. (SECRET: People
like to feel involved and acknowledged. I like it, you like it,
everybody likes it.)

Set up your free 'Twitter Account' (http://twitter.com/).
Suzanne Fyhrie Parrott is the founder of UnrulyGuides.com
(http://www.UnrulyGuides.com), a resource for self-published
authors. She also operates OneWay Advertising and Design, a
Christian advertising and marketing agency focusing on the Book
and Ebook market. Since 1988, she has provided professional
services including book layout and design, book and e-book
formatting, Internet marketing, website design and SEO. She has
published several books including the "Ebook Formatting Kit for
Epub and Mobi" and "How to Create a Book Cover Design."

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