Saturday, May 21, 2011

Online Marketing Draper, UT -Draper Utah Online Marketing

How to market your buisness Online

Why is social media important to my business?

A couple of statistics are key to understand why online social media are critical for

your business:

• 78% of consumers trust peer recommendations

• Only 14% trust ads

If you can establish yourself in the right social media and you have a strategy for

generating positive reviews and ratings, you can dominate your market.

Your presence in social media, like your own YouTube channel or Facebook business

page, establishes your business as a social authority. It engages your prospectsand customers on their “turf,” instead of having to drive them to your Website to establish a relationship. You can communicate with them regularly and offer deals

and specials as part of an ongoing conversation, instead of an occasional intrusion.It also personalizes your business and makes it more likeable.

Request information about our Social Media Power Cluster service and how it can helpyour business get established, and dominating online.



Friday, May 6, 2011

Online Marketing Sandy, UT -Sandy Utah Online Marketing

Why does your buisness need Social Media?


Facebook has over 500 million users.


You Tube receives over 2 billion viewers daily


110 million Twitter users


34% of bloggers post opinions about procuts and brands.


Here are 3 tips you must know.


1. If you are not on Facebook, Twitter or Yelp... Get ON THERE!

2.  Share valuable content with your audience.

3.  Curate conversation.

-provide your audience with information from across the web.


Discover how to successfully use Social Media!  

For a free consultation visit our site at:


Thursday, May 5, 2011

Why do I need you to build a mini-site for my business if I already have a Website?

Why do I need you to build a mini-site for my business if I already have
a Website?

The mini-site we build for you is specially optimized for the search engines (what we call “search enginefriendly),
and most importantly, is designed to capture leads. We can always link it to your regular
business web site, but we have tested these sites extensively and know they deliver results in the form of
traffic and leads.

To request information about how we can develop a custom Web presence for your business contact us for a
personal consultation.

Isn’t online video hard to create?

Isn’t online video hard to create?
With today’s technology it isn’t nearly as difficult as it was even five years ago. The development of easyto-
use, high quality pocket video recorders has changed that. The Flip and the presence of high quality
video cameras in smartphones, like Apple’s iPhone, make video recording pretty hassle-free.

There are a few strategic elements you want to add to videos for marketing purposes such as the
mention of an offer and a call to action. But an online marketing consultant can take care of those details
for you.
Editing and distribution are areas that require some additional tools, but they have been vastly simplified
for marketers in the past few years as well.
Find out how easy it is to create a high visibility, traffic-driving online video marketing campaign by contacting
us for a personal consultation.

How do I know I can reach my customers through social media?

How do I know I can reach my customers through social media?
This is really a myth-busting answer because a common misconception is that only young people are
using Facebook, YouTube and other social media. The fastest-growing demographic on Facebook is 34 to
65 year-old women. When you consider the social network has more than 500,000,000 members, it’s a
safe bet your customers are on there.
Another example is YouTube, which has become a household name and a common online destination.
Who do you know who hasn’t watched videos on YouTube or searched for information there? With more
than 300,000,000 monthly visits, it, too, is a safe bet for reaching your customers.
Request information about our Social Media Power Cluster service and how it can help your business get
established and begin dominating online.

hy is social media important to my business?

Why is social media important to my business?
A couple of statistics are key to understand why online social media are critical for
your business:

• 78% of consumers trust peer recommendations
• Only 14% trust ads
If you can establish yourself in the right social media and you have a strategy for
generating positive reviews and ratings, you can dominate your market.
Your presence in social media, like your own YouTube channel or Facebook business
page, establishes your business as a social authority. It engages your prospects
and customers on their “turf,” instead of having to drive them to your Website to
establish a relationship. You can communicate with them regularly and offer deals
and specials as part of an ongoing conversation, instead of an occasional intrusion.
It also personalizes your business and makes it more likeable.
Request information about our Social Media Power Cluster service and how it can help
your business get established, and dominating online.

Why would my business need a text message follow-up campaign?

Why would my business need a text message follow-up campaign?

Let’s look at some telling statistics:
• 91% of Americans have mobile phones
• People send 152 billion mobile text messages each month
• 90% of text messages are read within one minute of receipt
Text messaging is now a major form of communication. Businesses that know how to incorporate it into
their marketing plans have an edge over those who don’t. Imagine being able to cut through all the
clutter and reach your prospect or customer on the gadget they keep with them all the time—in their
pockets and purses, in their cars, at their work desks...even on their night tables?
Your messages, delivered judiciously and strategically, could turn a slow night or month into a bonanza.
For more information on how you can incorporate mobile marketing using text message lead capture and follow
up into your marketing plan, text your name and email address to 801-901-3480(Text: Your Name xxxxxx@ where Your Name is your first and last name and is your email address.)

What is social media?

What is social media?

Social media are online channels or services that people use to communicate with friends, followers,
subscribers and others with like interests. They all have social features including the ability to “like” another
member’s messages, rate a service, product or experience, post reviews or comments, etc.

The most prominent examples include YouTube (more than 300,000,000 visits each month), Facebook
(more than 500,000,000 members), and Twitter (more than 200,000,000 members).
Another significant social medium for local businesses is Yelp! With 39,000,000 monthly visits, Yelp!
combines local business listings with user ratings and reviews in a highly social environment that allows
members to subscribe to other members’ reviews.

Go here to watch a free video that explains how Yelp! Facebook, Twitter, and other
Internet “influence engines” can help drive your business growth.

What’s the benefit of using paid online services like Adwords?

What’s the benefit of using paid online services like Adwords?

Paid online advertising like Google Adwords (also known as pay-per-click advertising) can enhance your
overall online marketing program but you shouldn’t rely on it exclusively.

Before you go spending money though, get an online marketing expert to help you research the best
keywords to focus on for your ads.

Also, you should consider using Facebook ads, especially if you have a business page set up on
Facebook. You can target specific locations, demographics, likes, etc. on Facebook that you can’t in other
online paid ad services.
Let us help you determine the best, most affordable way to integrate paid advertising into your online marketing

Once I do an online marketing campaign, why would I need to manage it month after month?

Once I do an online marketing campaign, why would I need to manage
it month after month?

Would you run just one ad in the newspaper and expect it to continue to generate calls or foot traffic? It’s
the same thing online. You want people to find you when they’re looking online, which means you have to
stay fresh!

Keep in mind that search engines and directories treat your messaging like grocery store produce. There
is a “sell by” date on almost every piece of digital information. If you’re not putting fresh content on
your shelves, you will lose to someone who is.
Request a personal consultation so we can help you create the optimal plan for managingt your business’
marketing campaigns and social media on a monthly schedule.

What are Internet Influence Engines and why do they matter to my business?

What are Internet Influence Engines and why do they matter to my business?

Although we know Google is the number one search engine, most of us don’t know there are more than
50 other key online locations! You must be using these other locations to help Google rank your business
so your target audience can find you.
We call these “Influence Engines” and they include:
• Local Search Engines like Google Places, Yahoo! Local, and Merchant Circle
• Social Networking Sites like Facebook, Yelp! and Twitter
• Internet Business Directories like and Kudzu
• Online Business Directories specific to your region or metro area
• Online Directory Assistance sites like, and
• Many category-specific directories relating to your industry

They matter to your business because they can have an enormous impact on how easily people find you
online. Getting your information listed and encouraging customers to post comments and reviews is one
of the first things you should do to get leads and customers from the Internet.

Go here to watch a free video that explains it all.

How do I capture leads for my business using the Internet?

How do I capture leads for my business using the Internet?

You capture leads online by offering something of value for free, in exchange for prospects’ contact
information which they enter into a form on a Web page. Depending on your business, it can be a
special report, a buyer’s guide, a regular newsletter, a coupon, a free consultation or assessment, etc.

Request a personal consultation so we can help you determine the best, most affordable way to capture leads
online for your business.