Thursday, May 5, 2011

Why would my business need a text message follow-up campaign?

Why would my business need a text message follow-up campaign?

Let’s look at some telling statistics:
• 91% of Americans have mobile phones
• People send 152 billion mobile text messages each month
• 90% of text messages are read within one minute of receipt
Text messaging is now a major form of communication. Businesses that know how to incorporate it into
their marketing plans have an edge over those who don’t. Imagine being able to cut through all the
clutter and reach your prospect or customer on the gadget they keep with them all the time—in their
pockets and purses, in their cars, at their work desks...even on their night tables?
Your messages, delivered judiciously and strategically, could turn a slow night or month into a bonanza.
For more information on how you can incorporate mobile marketing using text message lead capture and follow
up into your marketing plan, text your name and email address to 801-901-3480(Text: Your Name xxxxxx@ where Your Name is your first and last name and is your email address.)

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